Last summer I took a trip to northern Thailand. It was really impressive.
The first night we stayed in the hotel , it rained heavily. It was said
to be the worst deluge over the thirty years. When I woke up in the next
morning, what I saw really surprised me. The whole city was flooded.
The water rose inch by inch, covering the roads, the sidewalks and then the cars.
The rain sparkled on the roofs. Some local people used the tires as boats.
Traveler as I was, still I had to take off my shoes and rolled up my trousers
so that I could wade across the street where a military truck was waiting for us.
It served as a barge. The ladder was so high that I had to climb up. It reminded me
of the old days when I studied in the primary school which was founded only for the
children whose father worked in the air force. It was the truck that we took to go to
Another experience which is worth remembering is that we visited the long-necked
tribe. In the villege all the girls are asked to have their necks coiled with copper
since they are young. The copper weighs at least 3 kilos. The girl with the longest
neck is viewed as the most beautiful