


        QC called me this morning, saying that she was worried about some household chores

       and felt a little bit melancholy.  In order to have a long chat, we decided to spend the

       afternoon in an idle way, just talking. 




                We chose to take  MRT and  arrived at our destination, DanShui ,

                in less than one  hour.         



                  Having a peep through the window, I saw the familiar scene.

                  This used to be the place we sometimes spent our idle hours.    



               We walked along  the bank of the river, appreciating the  spectacular scenery.  

               GuanYing Shan seemed to wave at us.           



                              Here came the ferry from the left side of the river.

                              Never had  I taken it yet.



                  A number of boats were lying on the sandbank side by side,

                  making the  scenery more beautiful.



                         People were waiting for the ferry.  Here nobody was in a hurry.



              Staring at the ground, I saw the artistic design on the cover of the ditch.

              It's a whale, isn't it?



                         School children were doing their outside school activities.



                                 The chubby girl in a yellow T-shirt had a cool hairstyle.



                The smell from the street vendors was so irresistible that my mouth watered.




                                            Lots of ghost crabs wandered up and down.



                                                 This seemed to be the biggest one.



                                          The sky was cloudy. And the wind whispered.



                                   Under the tree, we had a heart-to-heart talk.



                                    It was here that we forgot all the unpleasant things.



Dear Hannah:


最近我正努力學習攝影和Photo impact影像彩妝,日後向妳討教的內容就更多了!

淡水行的下一行程是 哪  ?                                                                                                                        




您留給QC 的公開回應:

唯恐內容重複又怕活脫脫的被比下去請到我家來看英文版 《 詳全文

QC 給您的公開的回覆:

I  saw  last   night! 不愧是英文老師...《

貼心小子 給您的公開的回覆:

能到處走走看看人生必定會精彩許多 ^.^《 詳全文


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